Monday, July 27, 2009

Dear Family!!

This is going to be short...

- At the mission home they have a GRAND piano and Sister Corey let me play on it before I went to bed! It belonged to some famous person, and it didn't sound all that good, but it was great to be able to play something!!

- Oh, and you are probably wondering this...yes, I have had doors slammed in my face. Luckily not too many, but Sis. Oliver and I just laugh whenever it happens!!

- One night we were tracting and a lady named Vickie answered the door, and we were telling her how faith in Jesus Christ helps us (to which she kept saying, "Oh yes, Praise the Lord" etc.), and them I was testifying of the Book of Mormon and she grabbed my chin and said, "Honey, you just know that you never go by anything other than the Word of God!"

- And just tonight a lady was telling us how totally wrong we were and how she knows Hebrew and Latin and studies the Bible for hours and hours everyday...and just when I was getting ready to share a scripture that talks about the Book of Mormon, I just testified to her and she didn't say anything else!!

- It's amazing how things that would have brought me to tears a couple of years ago just help me to realize how much this crazy world needs to hear the truth, and how TRUE our church is!!

- Oh, and by the way, we get to volunteer at an old folks home for about 3 hours every week. Its a lot of fun!! We usually sing them a song and tell them we love them and we give them LOTS of hugs.

Well, I have to you all so much!!

Love, Sister Alex Smith

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