Friday, July 17, 2009

Hey mi familia!!

July 14, 2009

I’ve got to get this letter writing down. I’m sorry I didn’t get this sent out sooner.

So night after last I emailed you I got really sick and that night I could hardly breathe! I woke up the next morning and prayed and asked that if I was so sick I needed to see a doctor that my companions would tell me.. and they BOTH told me within 10 mins of being up! It’s crazy how fast prayers get answered here!! SO, we went to the health clinic here at the MTC and they sent us over to the BYU urgent care (one teacher saw us walking there and later asked us if we were running away) and when I got there they made me put on a mask (because I was coughing). I got into the DR. in like 10 minutes.. and I found out why they sent me there.. they thought I had swine flu!! Calm your beating hearts, I DON’T have it, I just have a really bad cold that’s been running around the MTC . But I’ve been feeling TERRIBLE!! I got a blessing from the elders that night (they even offered to give it to me) and I was promised that I would start to heal immediately and that if I endured this “trail” well that I would learn so much. That’s certainly been true! I’ve hardly been able to talk for 2 days and I’ve done A LOT of reflecting !! So, to say the least, this week has been really stretching. I don’t even remember when it started, but I started noticing that my companion (Sister Aylett) was spending a lot of time talking to Elder Stiles. So much that it was making me uncomfortable. After awhile I talked to my teachers in some interviews we had and an interview I had with our DL (it is so weird to be interviewed by an 19 yr old!!). They all said that I just needed to talk to her. My amazing teacher Sister Scott-Mann talked to me a lot and gave me a hug which felt so good because we aren’t even allowed to shake hands or high-five here! After a TON of prayer I finally mustered up the courage to talk to her, and she said she hadn’t even noticed until he put his arm around her at dinner... GASP that totally shocked me and her as I came to find out!! That was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do.. but it was a REALLY good thing because a little while later our branch president called her in as well. Things are going a lot better.. but it’s been hard because Elder Stiles really likes her - can’t these crazy elders just focus on being MISSIONARIES!!? So, ya all remember wacko Elder Bush? Well, his teasing was fun for awhile , then it got really mean (in a teasing way) and then he started acting really weird. I was just about ready to strangle him because I had just gotten done with the Sister Aylett / Elder Stiles business and I was just begging with Heavenly Father that he would stop acting like that (it was so bad that all the people in our district were teasing him about me, and he would totally blush). But it is almost back to normal now! YEAH!! Eie, yie, yie -sometimes I wish that they would just have elders or sisters in a classroom together... never both at the same time!!

So sorry for my complaining family! It’s been a hard week.. but an amazing one too!! I absolutely LOVE my teacher Sister Scott-Mann (she just got married before we came here!), she is so kind and JUST what I need sometimes! It’s great to have someone besides your companions (as much as I love them!!) to talk to. She’s an amazing teacher too!! Oh, I had something really neat happen last night.. it’s kind of funny being w/ 2 companions whose names no one can pronounce.. I think people are relieved when they get to SMITH. I have had so many people ask me if I’m related to Joseph Smith, and I was having a small pity party for my very common last name and a teacher randomly stopped us in the hall. He was telling us how the last name of Smith means “maker” and how Joseph Smith was the “maker” or restorer of the gospel. It really made me think of what I am a “MAKER” of. Am I a maker of complaints, discord and ingratitude, or am I a maker of faith, joy, and peace ?? So, fellow Smith’s.. something to think about!!

Oh, something random.. one of my zone leaders is from SMITHFIELD (over by A&W, Elder Downs). Their district is learning the coolest language ever- you should look it up.. MALAGASY.

Okay, so I have to wrap this up, but here are some random things:

- Remember Brother Beesley my Spanish Seminary teacher? I saw him the other day!! He’s doing great.

- At a fireside a couple of days ago I asked Sis. G how she was and she said that she had a stomach ache. Sis. A and I both said we would pray for her and w/ in 5 minutes, she told us it was gone! PRAYER is AMAZING!!

- Oh, I also found our cousin! I was looking all over for him and one day I thought I had found him, but his arm was in the way of his name tag. So, I went up to him and asked what his last name was and he said, “Jarman. I’m your cousin!” It was kind of funny that I didn’t get any further than asking what his name was. :)

- I finally got to go to the temple! It was an AMAZING experience. Tell Aunt Kathy that I think the Provo temple is absolutely BEAUTIFUL !! I wish I could’ve gone more, but I’m so blessed to have gone once more.

- I have so much more I could tell you but I have to run! Thank you so much for everything.. esp. your letters, love and prayers!! I love you all so much!!

I’m so excited to leave for Indiana! Being a missionary is the best long term experience I’ve had and I’m so glad I get to serve! Even though it’s hard sometimes, it’s so spiritually rewarding!! I love you all so much, and pray for you everyday!!

Sister Alex Smith

BTW- Thanks for the package- I LOVED the photo album, cookies, watch, paper.. just EVERYTHING! Thanks so much!!

1 comment:

  1. You sound soooo good! I finally found a minute to read your blog. We are missing you in the ward...but Indiana is so blessed! What is your mailing address?
    No major changes in the ward.
    Bro. Monson and I spoke at 19th Ward's girl's camp last week which was pretty fun...when I stopped shaking! Why do I do that?
    I signed up to run for City Council again. I have 6 opponents so this will be interesting.

    Keep up the good work and don't worry about responding, just an address will be enough.
