Saturday, August 22, 2009

An "older" letter

July 30,2009
Dear family-
I hope that you got my lengthy email and it didn't bore you!! Everyday there are challenges, but I'm growing to love it here more and more.

Sister Oliver couldn't believe that you found us on Google! She was wondering if we stood outside and waved if you would be able to see us. :) On Google can you see all the random boxcars everywhere in New Castle? It's weird! Apparently they closed the factory or station and just stuck them on the tracks for (permanent) storage. It's crazy! I hope everything is going well at work!

How is young women's going? I thought of you when I found out that the young women's president is also the secretary... um, they also only have maybe 5 girls!! Is life finally slowing down with the goats gone? There is a family out here that has all kinds of goats and the girl (Katie) that I was talking to said that they had 30 adults and lots of kids... I'd like to know the definition of lots! We also discussed all the fine points of goats milk and wondered why in the world people don't like it!!

Thanks for your letter! About writing... whenever you feel like writing... WRITE! I think 2 times a day might be a little much:), but I really don't care! I hope that you continue to recover and that you open your mouth more than 1/2" when you write next. Wisdom tooth surgery is humble... I'm so lucky I only had 1!! I hope you go to the YSA ward. It's weird at first, but you'll learn to love it! Even if the people are a little kooky... make them you friend!! Mission life is great, but hard work too! I thought that it would be mostly teaching, but we mostly work on finding here and there are so many people set in there way, it's hard to find a listening ear!! WOW... I can't beleive Dallin had his farewell! I just barely missed him at the MTC! Did I tell you all that I talked to Elder Warburton again and Kortney just had another baby- a boy this time! I forget his name.. Keep up the good work at home (and with the ward- get a calling and it will be better!:) I promise)

I can't believe I haven't seen a picture of you yet! How are you recovering? I heard that you went river rafting.. was that safe with a recently fixed nose? I'd love to hear how you're doing BUSTER!! :)

WOO-HOO for playing a solo in sacrament meeting! Were you nervous? Did you shake and get sweaty hands? I sure do! How was your week with Beth? was it just a blast? How is Benji? Have you all decided what you're doing with him? if he becomes dinner... PLEASE don't save me any!:)

Thanks for informing me of the name change.. neat-o about your bunk-beds! You'll have to tell me how that works out long term. You watch MacGyver. COOL! My MTC teacher said that he didn't have T.V. but he and his wife liked to watch MacGyver on the internet. He sound like a great guy!! Thanks for the abbreviations... T.T.F.N.:)

Gilberte- Alfredo- Sauce- Bushrod- Handsome Buddy-
How come I haven't gotten any more pictures from you? Are you learning lots of thins in primary? Are you still learning how to read? Everyone who sees your picture always says how ADORABLE you are... how about staying 5 forever? Just kidding!! I want you to grow up and go on a mission to a totally awesome place, and exotic one too- something like INDIANA! Tat would be ideal:) Love you!

  • JOURNEY THROUGH THE JUNGLE TO JESUS ( sign for youth camp!)
I'll keep you posted on any others I see that catch my eye...

Oh... and Zone Conference
  • The church is thinking (seriously) about putting a TEMPLE in INDIANAPOLIS! When the Corey's got here, they said they asked about the possibility and it was NO, now it's DEFINITELY A POSSIBILITY!! WOO-HOO! I hope I'm here when they announce it!
  • We watched this HILARIOUS video about driving safely. Made by the church and BRAND new.. Called GRANDMA. It reminded us that we are using sacred fund of the church and a lot of times our grandma's ore watching and praying for us. (and helping pay for our missions)
  • One of the things that really jot me was when one or the assistants said that we need to preach the gospel with URGENCY! We need to not beat around the bush, but quickly teach about and refer to the Book of Mormon.
  • We were showed the 4 Steps of Conversion
  • BORROWED LIGHT (we rely on others)
  • LOGIC (the gospel makes sense)
  • EXPERIENCES (we experience miracles, and things that strengthen faith)
  • KNOWLEDGE (PURE knowledge from GOD)
They said that we can tell were we are on the scale by what/how we teach. Something interesting to think about I encourage all of you to decide were you are and determine to strengthen and grow your testimony "NO ONE CAN CONVERT BEYOND THEIR OWN CONVERSION"
They also challenged us to use better language - "THERE IS NO PLACE FOR I GUESS - WE KNOW!
-Something to think about - Every prophet receives a great vision when they are called - ENOS, MOSES, LEHI, JOSEPH SMITH
-You need to have the SPIRIT WITH YOU JUST AS MUCH WHEN you've been home for 6 months as when your on your mission. - paraphrased from Elder Bednar " if when you're doing something (reading, watching, thinking) STOP doing it!" (if you don't feel the SPIRIT) and last, but not least -
PRES. COREY challenged us to read thru D&C 76 3-4 times a year. It will help us to be able to visualize what we want and desire more than anything to be there! AIM HIGH! Anything besides the celestial kingdom will be hell because we won't be with Heavenly Father!!

I could go on and on, but I think I'll stop for now. INDIANA, great.. I love it! I'm definitly growing and hopefully becoming better. I'll try and write more wtories next week! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
Love, Sister Alex Smith

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