Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hello, Hugs and Kisses to my more than fabulous family!!

Just a warning... I'm in a really crazy mood right now so this might be a very, very random email! Sis. Allred and I were just waiting outside the computer lab waiting for our turn and she stopped me mid sentence and said that I was talking a million miles a minute and changing subjects about just as fast! Just thought I'd warn you! This week has been a GREAT week! But first of all... I have been realizing how much room I have for improvement and I just have been thinking of what a terrible person I must have been before my mission... not a terrible, terrible person... but I've just been realizing how much better I could have been and how many things I've done wrong and the things I wish that I could go back and change... I definitely wish I would've been a better sister and daughter!! Sorry for all that you had to put up with!! I feel like exclaiming “oh wretched man that I am!!” like Nephi! But I've also been realizing that while that is definitely a feeling that can prompt us to change and become better, it can also be a tool of Satan to discourage us and make us feel of no worth. I'm working on it being a prompt for me to become better and to not be one of the 6's destructive d's (see conference talk of last conference – um... Saturday afternoon I believe). Anyway, I apologize for being such a ornery person... I've got such a LONG ways to go in order to be perfect....a lot longer than I've realized before!

TUESDAY – was a fantastic preparation day!! After emailing we went grocery shopping and had such a great time!! One of the down falls of having a companion who loves to cook just as much as I do is that we buy (and eat :) a lot of food!!! But I digress... usually the elders in our area get together at the church and play sports on Tuesday so we decided to go and join them for once. They were playing kick ball and I REALLY didn't feel like joining so I was just watching and they were really trying to get me to join them which I FINALLY did and I had a BLAST!!!! The elders are so much fun and so crazy!! As you well know I'm not a very sporty person and I really had no idea how to play and so they were being super duper helpful and so funny!! Elder Miller (zone leader) was my base coach and would tell me when to run and they were breaking all sorts of rules to make it so I could make a run. They were so funny!! One time Elder Hernandez threw the ball at one of his own team mates so that I could make it!! They are so goofy and funny and I love them all!! Then we went home, wrote letters, etc and later that evening we helped a man on crutches change his car battery!! It was great fun!! Sister Allred had tracted into him before and we were trying a potential in the same area and asked him if we could help. It took us about 20-30 minutes to do it all, but it was fun!!

WEDNESDAY – We had district meeting and I got to play the piano and bear my testimony. Elder Sparks trained us on the desire to BAPTIZE and how we can be more worthy of baptizing and finding people to teach, baptize and help lead to the temple. Then we went and visited a LA who is on house arrest and shared a thought with him on adversity. He's a super funny guy who shaves his head, has a great big beard and a cross tattoo on the back of his head... and he sure is full of stories! We then went and visited another LA who we taught about the 6 d's... it was a FABULOUS lesson and she really opened up and we had a great conversation!! We then then went and visited a investigator named DIANA. She is an amazing lady and going through so much right now!! One of her daughters just got put in prison for drugs and Diana is on daily (or day) reporting (a long story that I don't have time to share right now, but it's really not her fault!) and as of last week she may have to go to prison for that!! Her life is so messed up... the poor thing... she's currently watching 5 grandchildren all the time (3 are the daughter's that is in prison and 2 are a daughter that she's living with who is an alcoholic and not super responsible all the time!). We visit her a lot and try to help her around the house and with the kids as much as we can with all the rules... that is one of the hardest rules to keep!! Then later later that day we had a lesson with Janna and Tom and a friend of theirs who had some questions about the church... they are such great missionaries already!!!

THURSDAY – we had president interviews and I just realized that Pres. Corey isn't a scary man, but a humble servant of the Lord who is there to help us out!! I pretty much bawled through the whole thing and it was terrible!! The interview was great, but I hate crying in front of people!! I might have gotten myself into a transfer... when I told him about our teaching issues he pretty much asked me who I wanted my companion to be!! I didn't want that to happen... I just wanted advice on making our teaching better!! I've been praying a lot and changing and realizing a lot of things and it's about 87% better!! SO... next tuesday morning I'll be waiting in a cold sweat... I REALLY don't want to get transferred again and I really want to stay with sis. Allred and in Lafayette!! That night we had dinner with Diana and her family... before that though we had the elders come and give her and some of the sick kids blessings. Her's was amazing!! It talked about how she would make covenants and be baptized!! I'm sure that she will someday, even if it's not now because of craziness!!!

FRIDAY – we had a GREAT lesson with Linda who we've been teaching for awhile... I love her a lot!! She's the one who's battled cancer three times and has to have heart surgery AGAIN!! She's amazing! I'll have to tell you more about her next week... Later that night we went to the ward social... it's a good thing that we went... Janna and Tom were outside in their car not wanting to go in because they don't know that many people! It was great fun... I love our ward!!

SATURDAY – the Spanish elders had a baptism that I played at... it was so neat! It was ½ in spanish and ½ in english. It was pretty cool! I love their converts!! We've been over to visit them because only ½ the family speaks spanish... so we might teach the 9 yr old daughter. That night the broadcast was FABULOUS and I thought of y'all watching it at the same time just in a different spot!!

oh boy... I never have time to do everything I want!!!! Janna and Tom are amazing and doing so well!! Patricia is doing great too! We haven't been able to meet with her because of family issues... and the BEST NEWS YET!!! ASHLEY IN NEW CASTLE IS GETTING BAPTIZED AND WE'RE GOING TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I better run so I don't loose this email!!

I love you all bunches, heaps, bounds and from here to Kolob and back!!!!! You're the best family one could wish for!!!! Have a great week... you're in my prayers and thoughts!!

love from indiana,
sis. Alex Smith

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