Wednesday, April 8, 2009

a missionary wardrobe

In getting together my MISSIONARY WARDROBE, I've learned a lot of things. There really isn't much out there on sister missionary wardrobes, so I thought I'd blog a little about my process of getting it together for all those future sister missionaries who are struggling as well.

I had heard of the Sister Missionary Mall in Provo, UT... but it seemed that there was an even split between "GO, I loved it!" and "DON'T it's terrible!!!" So, after much thought I decided not to go. If I lived down there I would go, but I don't think it's worth about a 3 hour drive ($60 worth of gas, gasp!) to not know if it would be worth it or not. If you have another opinion of it, let me know... I'm open!

I got a picture of what a sister missionary is supposed to look like in my mission packet, and one recently returned sister missionary said that she got all her clothes to look like that, and she was the weirdest looking missionary in the MTC. I'm still waiting to get my packet from my mission president, so I'll hopefully know more then. I've talked to several missionaries, and I'm learning a lot!!

So, as I continue to get my wardrobe together, I'll post a little about what I'm required to have and where in the world I managed to get it! I'm so excited to serve a mission... and everything is coming together so well it's amazing!!!

1 comment:

  1. For all future people in this predicament- problem solved.
    Sorella Bella is a new online store for sister missionaries. No driving required, and the clothing is more flattering and less expensive than missionary mall.
    Check it out at:
