Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The MTC drop-off

On last Wednesday we went to drop off Alex at the MTC. We drove down to Salt Lake and went to our good friends, the Bergesons, house and they had lunch ready for us. We ate, then said our good-byes and left Matthew, Samantha, Wesley and Gilbert there so they could play with the Bergesons. It was just Dad, Mom, Alex and me (Mac.). We left their house around 12 because we were suppose to be at the MTC at 1 o'clock. So we drove to the MTC, having a great last few moments in the van. When we got to the MTC we got into a long line of cars to wait to drop Alex off. We got to the curb, where a volunteer and a missionary were waiting. They were very nice. We got out and got her luggage out. They took a picture and waited for us to say our very last good-byes. Then the missionary took Alex's luggage and Alex went into a building to have her shot records okayed while the missionary waited for her. After she went into the building we drove off. So that's the just of what happened.
Last family picture for 1 1/2 yearsThe really long line
Alex receiving her instructions
Last good-byeThe missionary and her leaving

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