Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hey Family!

July 2, 09

I hope everything is okay, since I haven't had a letter in about 5 days!! Well, just thought I'd let you know can pretty much dash all letter writing advice I gave you, JUST WRITE!

That's neat about Dallin...I wish him the best of luck!

Mac. are you going to the Birch Creek Ward yet? You should if you aren't!

Well, I haven't seen cousin Darrell yet...I'm not so sure I will...I have NO idea what he looks like!! But, I have seen Phillip, Matt Larsen and Joseph Warburton!! Its crazy how many missionaries there are here...and how few sisters...we're like a drop of color in a sea of black and white!!

Mom...thanks so much for that quote you got at the PMG class! We read it before we taught our amazingly spirit filled lesson, and it helped SO much!

That's so cool that Tara is moving to the Middle East! And that she lives in Indiana now...Who knew there were so many people we know living there! Um...I will tell you more about using PMG later on.

I'm so sorry about the animals...I really will miss all of the goats! I'm praying that you'll get buyers and good prices for all of them SOON!! I think I'll raise goats when I grow up. I really love them!! I love how mom said "it will all turn out for the best". It reminded me of the quote from Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration [which I got to watch on Sunday! A tender mercy :) ] "Whatever happens, the Lord is in it".

Funny I was waiting for Sis. Aylett to brush her teeth, I was stretching my arm (which is kind of sore still) and Sis. Aylett said "Holy Cow, look at those muscles!" And she made me flex for her...I personally don't think my arms are super strong...but I guess all that milking paid off!!

Sammy!! I hope you had a great birthday and that you got my card!! Sorry it was late, we're only allowed to write on P-days (which I absolutely adore, P-days are totally inspired!!) and congrats on the violin recital!! I'm excited to hear how you've improved when I get back!! and I'm so excited that Beth is coming up...have tons of fun w/ her, okay? and be sure to give her a hug for me and tell her I love her!!

Matthew...I'm so excited for you to be a missionary some day! Do all you can to prepare...because this is the LORD'S WORK!

About the animals...I'm so happy that you're able to sell some to the Bergeson's! Did you ask Sis. Monson if she wants some? She was talking about it!! That's sad about Bro. Erickson's pasture...but all WILL work out for the best, I know that for a fact!! Sadly, may hands have stopped automatically milking, but my hands are so much stronger!! Oh boy...don't you just love the easy milker?? (Lifesaver - aka)

Oh, and about the house in Paradise...2 kitchens is a little much, but I would love to move out in that area...just ask Wes :).

Mom, that's totally fine about reading my setting apart was an amazing blessing, and just what I needed!! Will you send me Pres. Pouslen's address? Thanks!

That is a really neat letter from Valerie! I think if I have some spare time next P-day I might send you a note to send to her...think she'd want a Restoration pamphlet? Tell Valerie I consider her part of our extended family and thank her for the Ignatia! "Love you Valerie!!"

SIGH...Okay, I think I answered all the questions, well most of them. I have about 45 minutes until dinner, and then no more writing so I'll hurry.

So, here's my crazy schedule. Up at 6:00 and out to our classroom (w/ no air conditioning) by 7:00. Then breakfast at 7:45, back to class by 8:15 and stay there until 12:30 when we go to lunch. Four days a week we have gym which is different everyday. Gym is so much fun. Both of my companions are athletic but very understanding of me not being so. We've done Frisbee and recited scriptures, then jump rope and then running on a machine inside. If you need a REAL workout, just run backwards. I didn't know I was until I about died 3 minutes later and Sis. Gneighting told me. The rest of the time was great. I'm still super out of shape...but no weight gained here...even though I eat lots and don't do much. All that studying must be doing something. Where was I...then after lunch we usually have MDT (missionary directed time) where we usually do personal and companion study. Then class until dinner at 5:30 and them (weird, did that just remind anyone of Pollyanna?) lights out at 10:30 and then up again at 6:00!! During our class time we learn about the doctrines in different lessons (we've mostly mastered #1). We learn different missionary skills like extending commitments (it was so neat, we usually take a walk every 2 hours or so, so we don't go insane, and yesterday we had to pair up with random missionaries in our group and extend commitments. Twice I was walking with an elder and had weird thoughts come to me and I would extend the commitment and they both said "I TOTALLY needed that!" Following the Spirit is the coolest think ever!!), sometimes we go teach other teachers at the TEC, or teach volunteer investigators at the TR. The coolest thing we've done is go to the RC (Referral Center). The first time I got busy signals for an hour. The next time I talked to lots of people, my favorites were 2 black ladies from the's so cool to be able to testify and teach...even if they don't accept missionaries...we've planted a seed!! Oh, before I we had our room check and it said "PERFECT" and was checked "commendable"! Tell grandma all her training paid off. We have interviews all the time here and in one of my interviews with our branch president he told me his story about being the shyest (spelled wrong...I know) missionary in his mission except his companion. He told me to work on being able to speak up and be bold! So I did a personal study on that... and it was AMAZING and LIFE CHANGING!! Here are the scriptures if you want...Proverbs 28:1, Exodus 4:12-13, D&C 60:2, Jeremiah 1:6-9, Moses 6:32 &34, Matthew 10:19-20, D&C 100:5 and Ether 12:27. You should study them as a family and think about what we are members have been asked to do. Oh, 2 things to let any soon-to-be missionaries know...the dropping off on the curb part was the best way to go! Everyone I've talked to says they loved it! So, no fears future missionary! The other thing is that they have a dress shop here for sisters that has GREAT skirts and dresses, so it you can't find things, just come, they are super cheap! Well, good priced at least. I got a brown dress because we're required to wear a dress or suit coat twice a week and I get so hot...poor elders!!

Funny story...Sister Aylett decided to take a picture of me the other day WHILE I was taking a drink and I choaked (how in the world do you spell that?) worse than I've ever choaked family...and you know I'm a choaker! The elders were super concerned that I was dying...which was nice of them...but I recovered. It really was so funny!!

Mom, will you go over the zoning papers I brought...because I was going to zone my hip, and I couldn't find it.

ALRIGHTY, I think I covered everything...well all that I could cover. Sorry for the beyond huge letter...I just had lots to tell you...oh, and I didn't get to tell you about my fabulous teacher Sis. Scott...she's been a lifesaver!! And Mom, I didn't tell you how I use PMG...I'll jot down some ideas this week and send them next week. I love you all, know that if I were there I would hug you all and tell you how much I love you! Sorry for the sloppy arm is killing me!!

[Mom and Dad - thanks so much for the way you've raised's been so easy to adjust here because of that. You're the best parents I could ask for, and I love you both SO much!!] [Tell the other kids to listen to you. You know what you're doing!!]

XOXOXO I love you all SO much! (good work typing this up, whoever has to!!)

Sister Alex Smith

P. S. Please save these letters, I don't have much time to write in my journal!!

Be sure to tell all the people who are helping out that I love them and appreciate them so much!!


  1. Sister Alex Smith you are AMAZING! Which makes loads of sense when I think that you come from AMAZING--as in 'family'. =] So good to hear that you are enjoying the MTC. I remember luh-huh-huving the MTC--as a missionary and as a teacher. You must be a dream of a missionary-student to have. We think of you often and hope that all continues to go well. We heart you!

  2. What a fun letter! Glad to hear that everything is going so well! Way to go Sister Alex!!
