Friday, July 17, 2009

Hey Family!!

July 9, 2009

To start off.. here are 2 jokes that we were told the other day...

What do you get when you add a bunch of pasta to the ocean?
A PASTA SEA! (apostasy!)

Why are the lamanities always so sore?
Because they always get in KNEE FIGHTS! (nephities!!)

They made us laugh, and I thought they would make you too!!

SOO, about mail... Yes, I am getting all the dearelders... and I have a HUGE stack of letters to respond to today. The thing is, is that our DL checks the mail twice a day, and each day seems like about 4 days, and so to not get mail at either lunch or dinner seems like your family has abandoned you! There was awhile that I wasn't getting mail... I think one day or something like that. BUT, you are all doing SO much better!! I had just thought that you (mom) said that you were going to write everyday... BUT... no matter!! The amount of mail I'm getting is PERFECT-O!! I'm always the one who gets the most dearelders, so a huge THANK YOU to everyone who is writing them!

2nd point of business, I DO have flight plans.. I leave at 4:00 AM on the 14th. I think that our flight leaves at 7 or something like that, and then we have a long layover at Chicago for an hour or two, and then off for 45 minutes or so until we land in Indiana!!! I'm not sure yet that I'll be able to call, but Sister Aylett says that everyone she's seen off has called. And she's the 8th of 10 kids... I think the 6th missionary!!

That would be fine if you gave Bishop my email... I just will have to type faster, but that's okay with me!!

YES... I did get my packages!! I got the first one on Monday and the second on Tuesday because of the holiday!! They were so perfect... and mom, you must have been inspired to put those electrolyte packets in there, they came in SUPER handy this morning!! The stationary has been perfect... I love the designs and colors! Thank you for EVERYTHING in there!! I loved them both!!!

Mom, that would be perfect to send those shoes and clothes to the mission home. Um, as far as clothes go, the pink skirt would be good... I can't remember what else I left home. The other two undershirts would be greatly appreciated, and any shirts would be superb! Especially the black long sleeve, and the short sleeved ones I bought. Thanks so much, you're fantastic!!!

That is so neat that that man delivered the letter to our house... what kindness!! Guess what! Today we just got our hair cut (because they are free) and the girl that cut my hair served in the Ogden mission and knows Elder Stiles! She's going to tell him that I proved him SO wrong and am here happily serving! She said that Elder Street was "the most awkward elder ever!" It was great to talk to her. She just trimmed my hair a bit and layered it so I wouldn't have such curly bushy hair in the Indiana weather... I love it!

Thanks to Wesley and Gilbert for their notes.. I loved them!! And Bushrod Alfredo Sauce... I love you SOOOOO MUCH TOO! And guess what! I sing "I Am a Child of God" about everyday here!! It's a great song!!!

That red timer is starting to scare me... I probably have to write most of the things I was going to say in the letter...I have 11 minutes left!!

The neatest thing by far that happened this week was the following...

I hadn't really been feeling very good (I can't remember when it was) and we went to a teaching appointment and when I was done, I felt like I had a HORRIBLE fever... Sister Aylett said that she felt the same way. And I'm sure we looked terrible too! We were felt by several people, and they said we were super hot! I was about ready to throw up and I felt TERRIBLE!! We went back to our classroom where the elders were having MDT time, and we asked them for a blessing. We thought that we had swine flu! None of them had done it before, but they gave us BEAUTIFUL blessings and said that "by our faith we would be healed". We went back to the dorm, took some medicine (I took pretty much everything that you gave me mom!!) and within the hour I felt GREAT!! We went to dinner and Sis Aylett was still not feeling very good, but when they asked me how I felt I honestly told them that I felt great and they didn't really believe me! Like I said... we looked terrible and I was just about ready to cry I felt so sick!!! The priesthood is the most amazing thing, and I so grateful that the elders were so willing to give us blessings.

About 2 days ago I did a really stupid thing, and now I have a really bad cold, but I'm on the mend... you know how I can eat pretty much everything with milk in it now!? Well, Sister Aylett asked me if I wanted some cereal one morning and I decided that since I could eat everything else (like cheese, butter, ice cream) without allergies, I decided to try some milk. I hardly got any, but I got the worst ear ache!! I will NEVER try that again!! It went to a sore throat, and now I'm REALLY congested... but I'm getting better, so no worries. Thanks for everything you sent mom, it's been a lifesaver... literally. Whenever you can, if you could send some more Umcka that would be great! I'll probably finish it up this week!

EH! 3 minutes... I really don't like flashing timers... whichever apostle it was that covered it up... I totally relate to him!

Well, in closing, I love you all SO MUCH and I really appreciate your letters, packages, and love! I can really feel your prayers and I greatly appreciate them. Guess what... I get to go the temple today! I'll write later, and tell you everything else that has happened!! It's been great and I've had some HUGE challenges, but I'm growing so much!!


sorry for the mistakes... :)

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